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Radar Cross Section Reduction Short Course

by Marietta Scientific, Inc.

Radar Cross Section Book


Radar Cross Section Reduction (RCSR) technology is an emerging discipline which will be considered for every future DoD system. It is a topic, which typically is mired, in obscure mathematical detail. Marietta Scientific’s goal is to present physical concepts suitable for personnel working in stealth disciplines. Our course presents technical issues facing designers of low observables (LO) systems, general signature reduction techniques available, and an overview of the measurement and analytical tools, which can be applied.

Where & Who should attend:

The RCSR course is designed to be presented at your facility. You may tailor the course content by selecting topics from the enclosed topic list, or you may arrange for specialized topics which target activities at your facility. The enclosure illustrates a typical three day course. A lecture day is comprised of six lecture hours, and the total cost of the course is determined based on the number of lecture days requested. In order to allow for interaction and questions during the presentation, class size should not exceed 40 attendees.

Each attendee will receive a copy of the selected lecture material as well as the text book, Radar Cross Section, Artech House, Second Edition, by E. F. Knott, J. F. Shaeffer, and M. T. Tuley.

The course has been designed to emphasize physical concepts rather than mathematics so that most topics will be easily understood. However, a few topics are in-depth mathematical treatments best suited for your LO technical specialists.

Typical Three Day RCS Short Course:

Hour Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
1 Course Intro and RCS LO Technology Introduction Design Topics I Materials II
2 RADAR Fundamentals Design Topics II Materials III
3 Electromagnetic Scattering Basics Design Topics II Continued Materials III continued
4 RCS Data Examples Specifications & Formats RCS Scaling Issues Hip Pocket Estimation
5 Scattering Mechanisms RCS Budgets & Integration Issues Physical Optics
6 Surface Waves Materials I Compact Image Ranges

Broad categories offered are:

A brief description of lecture topics offered is list below along with a notation of suitable audiences for each topic: DE = design engineer,   LOT = LO technology specialist,  M = manager



RCS LO TECHNOLOGY TOPICS AND MANAGEMENT (1 hour): An overview of RCS signature sources, RCSR approaches, overview of the required disciplines in design, materials, analytics, test, avionics, and projects/IRAD; suggested organization; and security issues. Suitability: DE, LOT, M


RADAR FUNDAMENTALS (1 hour): An overview of RADAR system fundamentals needed to understand RCS issues. Topics include: frequency/wavelength/band identification; Types of RADAR; RADAR fundamentals; RADAR range equation; definition of radar cross section; detection issues; multipath effects; typical RADAR systems; and benefits of RCS reduction. Suitability: DE, LOT, M



ELECTROMAGNETIC SCATTERING BASICS (1.5 hour): Electromagnetic wave fundamentals; physics of scattering and the three size/wavelength regimes; RCS Parameters; units and measurement scales; and overview of RCS prediction theories of physical optics, geometric optics, and method of moments. Suitability: DE, LOT


RCS DATA EXAMPLES, SPECIFICATIONS, AND DATA REDUCTION (1 hour): Concept of scattering centers; phasor addition; non LO RCS examples; LO RCS examples; RCS versus frequency for LO targets; typical specifications; and data presentation and formats. Suitability: DE, LOT


SCATTERING MECHANISMS (1 hour): Scattering from complex targets; aircraft scattering mechanism overview; general aircraft model example; everything you ever wanted to know about specular scattering: specular point definition, planar surfaces, singly curved surfaces, doubly curved surfaces, leading and trailing edges, rims, and multiple bounce; frequency characteristics of various scattering mechanisms; and hierarchy of scattering mechanisms. Suitability: DE, LOT


SURFACE WAVE MECHANISM (1 hour): Surface wave definition and requirements for existence; types of surface waves: traveling, creeping, and edge; where surface waves cause scattering; surface wave reduction approaches. Suitability: DE, LOT



DESIGN TOPICS I (1.5 hour): Overall approaches for RCSR; identification of scattering mechanisms for typical aircraft; overall issues; shaping road map; threat sector concepts; elementary scattering relative to azimuth and elevation; planform shaping; and side sector shaping. Suitability: DE, LOT


DESIGN TOPICS II, PRINCIPLES AND EVOLUTION OF PLANAR FACETING TO BLENDED SURFACE DESIGN (1.5 hours): Review principles of planar faceted design for specular and sidelobe envelope end region control; evolution to non planar surfaces for specular and sidelobe envelope; edge diffraction and S curve introduction; and scattering mechanisms from canonical curved bodies. Suitability: DE, LOT


LOW FREQUENCY ISSUES (1 hour): Low frequency radar characteristics; dominant scattering mechanisms at low frequency; typical RCS patterns; diagnostic imaging; reduction approaches. Suitability: DE, LOT


RCS SCALING ISSUES (1 hour): Review of rigorous scaling laws; Review of high frequency scattering mechanisms; Scattering mechanism frequency/wavelength/size relation-ships; Size independent scattering mechanisms; Scaling relationships for size independent targets; and scaling road map. Suitability: DE, LOT


RCS BUDGET CONCEPTS AND INTEGRATION ISSUES (1 hour): RCS Budget concepts; rationale for use; sample budget sheet; RCS numbers game; integration issues: minimum discontinuities; crew station, high and low energy locations, blended radomes, and surface imperfections. Suitability: DE, LOT


MATERIALS I (1 hour): An overview of the role of materials in RCSR. Topics include: materials as second approach to RCSR; general classes of materials; phasor cancellation versus absorption; typical airframe applications; and related test and analysis approaches. Suitability: DE, LOT


MATERIALS II (1 hour): Fundamental material electrical characterization and specular absorber types. Topics include: EM characterization of material; fundamental concepts; EM fields near ground plane; specular absorbers; surface wave magnetic absorbers; geometric absorbers; perimeter treatments; and tips. Suitability: DE, LOT


MATERIALS III (2 hours): Non specular absorbers and R card design issues. Topics include: definition of non specular scattering; review of non specular scattering mechanisms: end region, edge wave, leading/trailing edge diffraction, and surface traveling and creeping waves; why edges are critical; RCSR approaches for surface/creeping waves, end region current taper, perimeter and tip treatments; bulk absorber characterization; R card and bulk edge functions; current taper versus resistive taper; resistive profile recipe for R cards; example results for 2-D TE and TM polarizations; end resistance considerations; and bulk edge issues. Suitability: DE, LOT


INLET AND EXHAUST CAVITY ISSUES (1 hour): Topics: scattering regimes; low frequency issues; location; waveguide below cutoff; body influence on incident field, low energy regions; high frequency issues: scattering mechanism, baseline ROM signature estimates, aspect ratio, and RCSR approaches; and analytics for cavities. Suitability: DE, LOT



HIP POCKET RADAR CROSS SECTION ESTIMATION (1 hour): Sets up the approaches required to estimate major scattering mechanism cross section. Topics include: application ground rules; estimation approaches; hip pocket formulas; examples; and constant phase region size estimation. Suitability: DE, LOT, M


ELECTROMAGNETIC REVIEW I (1 hour): Review of basic electromagnetic wave theory. Topics include: review of fundamental mathematics, complex numbers, and vector field theory; Maxwell's equations; EM wave characteristics; reflection of EM waves at boundaries; transmission line / EM wave analogy; and surface current point of view. Suitability: LOT


ELECTROMAGNETIC REVIEW II (1 hour): Further EM review. Topics include: waves at boundaries: boundary conditions, Snell's law, reflection (Fresnel) coefficients, and transmission coefficients; analogy to transmission line theory; and boundary conditions as surface currents, Stratton-Chu form of Maxwell's equations. Suitability: LOT


HIGH FREQUENCY METHODS I: PHYSICAL OPTICS (1 hour): Introduction to Physical Optics. Topics include: PO assumptions; starting magnetic field integral equation; generalized bistatic formula; flat plate example; stationary phase; cylinder scattering; physical and geometric optics compared; and pitfalls / problems in using PO for low observable targets. Suitability: LOT


HIGH FREQUENCY METHODS II: GEOMETRIC OPTICS (1 hour): Introduction to Geometric Optics. Topics include: GO background; GO bistatic formula; GO backscatter formula; GTD background; edge diffraction; tip diffraction; PO, GO, & GTD summary; and multiple scattering. Suitability: LOT


METHOD OF MOMENTS (MOM) INTEGRAL EQUATIONS (1 hour): A brief introduction. Topics include: definition; motivation & failings of PO and GO; limitations; scope of problems treatable; magnetic field integral equation (MFIE); electric field integral equation (EFIE); The unknown currents; the matrix; the voltage vector forcing function and solution for currents; the bistatic and backscatter fields; examples; and general considerations and future directions. Suitability: LOT



GROUND PLANE RANGES (1 hour): An introduction. Topics include: rationale for outdoor measurements; theory of operation: the ground bounce multipath, field gain; optimum antenna and target heights; target support and mounting considerations; target support considerations. Suitability: DE, LOT


COMPACT IMAGE RANGES (1 hour): An introduction. Topics include: rationale for use and data types; theory of operation: downrange theory; down/cross range image theory; types of reflector systems; some issues for reflector dish edges. Suitability: DE, LOT